
Zodiac sign: Рак
Рожден ден: 07-16
присъединил се: 04.01.2009
Najwięcej do powiedzenia na nasz temat mają Ci , którzy znają nas najmniej ...
следващо ниво: 
Необходими точки: 482
Последна игра


12 часове преди
Активност на игровите чипове

Активност на игровите чипове

Точки: 2

Движения на чиповете.

74 дни преди


Точки: 1 Mahjong

Finishing 10 games in Mahjong within 24 hours, in multiplayer mode (minimum 5 players). Game must be played until the end of the time or until reaching a deadlock. A minimum of 1,000 points has to be acquired.

74 дни преди
Bingo Factory

Bingo Factory

Точки: 1 Бинго

Изиграване на 20 игри на бинго в рамките на 24 часа.

74 дни преди


Точки: 2 Mahjong

Winning 3 games in Mahjong within 24 hours, in multiplayer mode (minimum 5 players). Game must be played until the end of the time or until reaching a deadlock. A minimum of 1,000 points has to be acquired.

75 дни преди


Точки: 1 Mahjong

Finishing 10 games in Mahjong within 24 hours, in multiplayer mode (minimum 5 players). Game must be played until the end of the time or until reaching a deadlock. A minimum of 1,000 points has to be acquired.

75 дни преди
Активност на игровите чипове

Активност на игровите чипове

Точки: 2

Движения на чиповете.

76 дни преди
Bingo Factory

Bingo Factory

Точки: 1 Бинго

Изиграване на 20 игри на бинго в рамките на 24 часа.

76 дни преди


Точки: 1 Mahjong

Finishing 10 games in Mahjong within 24 hours, in multiplayer mode (minimum 5 players). Game must be played until the end of the time or until reaching a deadlock. A minimum of 1,000 points has to be acquired.

76 дни преди


Точки: 2 Mahjong

Winning 3 games in Mahjong within 24 hours, in multiplayer mode (minimum 5 players). Game must be played until the end of the time or until reaching a deadlock. A minimum of 1,000 points has to be acquired.

76 дни преди
Master Belt

Master Belt

Точки: 50 Mahjong

Gaining 3,000 XPs within a month.

77 дни преди