
Starea civilă: este complicat
Interesat de: femei
Caut relaţii de: prietenie
Zodiac sign: Balanţă
Data naşterii: 1956-09-30
Adăugat: 28.07.2014
When you think your life is bad, Just remember someone out there is dating your ex !!!!!!!!!
Puncte57mai mult
Nivelul următor: 
Puncte necesare: 143
Ultimul joc jucat


2 ani 101 zile în urma

Man walks into a bar

A man walks into a bar and says, “Give me a beer before the problems start!”

He drinks the beer and then orders another saying, “Give me a beer before the problems start!” 

The bartender looks confused. This goes on for a while, and after the fifth beer the bartender is totally confused and asks the man “When are you going to pay for these beers?”

The man answers, “Now the problems start!