
Adăugat: 15.04.2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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Biliard 8 - 2009

Biliard 8 - 2009

Biliard 8 - 2009
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Where did the freedom of speach go?

I am beginning to wonder where the right to freedom of speech go. I saw an post where one of the popular stars of the View was suspended for making a remark that the holistic was not about race. While this statement was wildly inaccurate, it is her opinion and as an American, she should be allowed to say what she wants. Although people in the media should be more careful about what they say, because people look up to them it also should not be a crime to say what you think or feel in the USA. I am sick and tired of this thing of people thinking they can censer what other say or think. I do not remember who said this but someone once said: I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend with my life your right to say it!
This world today is really getting to be a bunch thin skinned people. It is all like ooooooh you hurt my little feelings with your mean word so you should lose your job, or your home, or your place in the community. Have people forgotten that words ore just hot air from someone's body and can not hurt you unless you let them. There is no need to beat someone over the head with a club just because they say something you find offensive, especially if you yourself may have misunderstood the meaning.
I have a friend that djs for parties, and one day he was djing at a party for special needs children. He was stopped in middle of the set for playing a song someone had asked for. He was told to pack up and go home. The song that was requested was Convoy. The sentence that they had the problem with was ( a cab over peat with a refer on). The idiot in charge of the event did not understand in that sentence the word refer did not pertain to drugs in any way. It was CB slang for a refrigerated trailer. That is a classic case of someone misunderstanding something and getting all mad about nothing.
I myself make a point of asking people what they meant if they say something I think is inappropriate more often then not they did not mean what they said the way I took it. PEOPLE NEED TO COMMUNICATED BETTER AND JUDGE LESS!