
připojena: 21.04.2008
Pro udržení úrovně: 
Bodů zapotřebí: 111
Poslední hra
x127Me, myself and I

Me, myself and I

Profil vyplněný z více jak 50%.

x24Bright T-shirt

Bright T-shirt

Účast ve speciálním event turnaji.



Udělen status Chief



Udělen status Lord

Richie Rich

Richie Rich

Body: 2

První dosažení zůstatku na účtu ve výši 10 000 žetonů.

Richie Rich

Richie Rich

Body: 5

První dosažení zůstatku na účtu ve výši 50 000 žetonů.

Richie Rich

Richie Rich

Body: 10

První dosažení zůstatku na účtu ve výši 250 000 žetonů.

Richie Rich

Richie Rich

Body: 20

První dosažení zůstatku na účtu ve výši 1 000 000 žetonů.

Loyal Player

Loyal Player

Body: 20

Registrovaný a aktivní profil po dobu 1 roku.

Loyal Player

Loyal Player

Body: 50

Registrovaný a aktivní profil po dobu 2 let.

Loyal Player

Loyal Player

Body: 100

Registrovaný a aktivní profil po dobu 3 let:

Loyal Player

Loyal Player

Body: 200

Registrovaný a aktivní profil po dobu 5 let.

Loyal Player

Loyal Player

Body: 500

Registrovaný a aktivní profil po dobu 7 let.

Loyal Player

Loyal Player

Body: 1000

Registrovaný a aktivní profil po dobu 10 let.

x8Treat Bag

Treat Bag

Body: 160

Taking part in Halloween Tournament.

Carol singer

Carol singer

Body: 5

Participation in Winter Tournament

Samba Dancer

Samba Dancer

Body: 5

Participation in Carnival Tournament.

x3Honey Bunny

Honey Bunny

Body: 60

Taking part in Easter Tournament.

Flower Shower

Flower Shower

Body: 70

Taking premium place in Easter Tournament.

Super Ball

Super Ball

Body: 15

Taking part in GameDesire Cup tournament.

First Aid EGG

First Aid EGG

Body: 15

Taking part in EGG Tournament.

Enter the gate

Enter the gate

تمام کردن یک بازی در ماهجونگ

Mahjong lover

Mahjong lover

Finishing 10 games in Mahjong, in singleplayer or multiplayer game (minimum 5 players). Player must reach minimum 1,000 points.

Adventure begins

Adventure begins

Removing all tiles from the board for the first time without hints or shuffle in Mahjong.

Heaven fan

Heaven fan

Completing for the first time 10th level in Mahjong.

Aerial silk

Aerial silk

Completing first three levels in Mahjong without hints or shuffle for the first time.

Secret knowledge

Secret knowledge

Body: 200 Mahjong Gate

Completing all 120 levels in Mahjong for the first time.

Golden teapot

Golden teapot

Reaching 15,000 points in Mahjong multiplayer game (minimum 5 players) for the first time.

Paper kite

Paper kite

Winner of 10 multiplayer games in Mahjong (minimum 5 players). Player must reach minimum 1,000 points.

Bronze coin

Bronze coin

Winning 3 games in Mahjong within 24 hours, in multiplayer mode (minimum 5 players). Game must be played until the end of the time or until reaching a deadlock. A minimum of 1,000 points has to be acquired.



Gaining 1,500 XPs within a month.



Gaining the highest number of XPs in Mahjong within a week.



Body: 200 Mahjong Gate

Gaining the highest number of XPs in Mahjong within a month.



Body: 500 Mahjong Gate

Reaching 100th XP level in Mahjong.

Farmer's hat

Farmer's hat

Winning first Mahjong game in Farmer mode. Player must reach minimum 1,000 points in game with minimum 5 players.

Master's diploma

Master's diploma

Winning first Mahjong game in Master mode. Player must reach minimum 1,000 points in game with minimum 5 players.

Wizard's spellbook

Wizard's spellbook

Winning first Mahjong game in Wizard mode. Player must reach minimum 1,000 points in game with minimum 5 players.

Ninja stars

Ninja stars

Winning first Mahjong game in Ninja mode. Player must reach minimum 1,000 points in game with minimum 5 players.

Samurai's helmet

Samurai's helmet

Winning first Mahjong game in Samurai mode. Player must reach minimum 1,000 points in game with minimum 5 players.