Typhus platformitis

prihlásili ste sa: 23.11.2024
Prose writer, daddy's beloved daughter
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I po co na co dało wam usunięcie bloga , jak wszystkie dokładnie te materiały poszły w niedzielę 15.12 do jej pracodawcy MOPR w Gdańsku i podobnie do prokuratury . Jedynym skutkiem jest to, że Game Desire ulega niektórym graczom i wplątało się w aferę gwałcicielską opiekunki społecznej Gdańszczanki . Brawo obrońcy molestującej ja_ja_Tylko_ja_ja - Administracja GD powinna tego osobnika "zutylizować", cleopatra13, takasama40, grubdos. Wstrząsem psychicznym było dla mnie to zdanie Gdańszczanki- " Opiekujemy się osobami chorymi, samotnymi, którzy nie mają rodziny. Dlatego wiem, że oni niczego nikomu nie powiedzą. U nich czuje się swobodnie. Przebieram się w seksowne stroje, uprawiam z nimi seks, nagrywam to nawet." Wsulejman-   Czy wiesz czemu jej blog nie zostanie usunięty? Bo wtedy Game Desire samo wplątałoby się w aferę z Gdańszczanką . Jeżeli te materiały przedstawione przez Typhus ... są prawdziwe, to to jest wstrząs dla jej pracodawcy MOPR w Gdańsku , co za tym obowiązkiem pracodawcy jest powiadomić organy ścigania . Gdyby tego nie zrobiło, to uznane będzie , że chroni osobę wykorzystującą ****ualnie osób nie mogących wyrazić zgody na **** . Art.198 kk.A jednak usunęli , a jednak dali się wmanewrować przez hazardzistów . . Art. 198. KK mówi, że kto, wykorzystując bezradność innej osoby lub wynikający z upośledzenia umysłowego lub choroby psychicznej brak zdolności tej osoby do rozpoznania znaczenia czynu lub pokierowania swoim postępowaniem, doprowadza ją do obcowania płciowego lub do poddania się innej czynności seksualnej albo do wykonania takiej czynności, podlega karze pozbawienia wolności od 6 miesięcy do lat 8. . Jak wynika z policyjnych statystyk, w 2019 roku wszczęto 308 postępowań, których przedmiotem były przestępstwa seksualne polegające na wykorzystaniu seksualnym osoby bezradnej lub niepoczytalnej. Rok później wszczęto natomiast 265 postępowań. Ochronie w ramach artykułu 198 podlega wolność seksualna osób, które nie mogą pokierować w pełni świadomie swoim postępowaniem. Przez to nie mogą również podjąć świadomej decyzji dotyczącej podjęcia współżycia. Osoby bezradne i niepoczytalne mają mieć zatem zapewnioną wolność od wykorzystania ich stanu poprzez doprowadzenie do współżycia.

Profile account " Abstraktionism " Louise Swedish 44 years old Abstraktionism Louise szwedzkiej 44 latki .

Hold my legs and hands, because I can't vouch for myself. Apparently you don't fight women! And what about his mental capacity? She got on someone's nerves so badly that he deleted his profile. Before he fell silent, he told me everything. At first, it was great with her. She talked about herself. She's 44 and has a 19-year-old daughter. Then she talked about her relationships with men. She lives in an open relationship, but she has a husband. She lives in an open relationship, but has a husband. Once the partner is 67 years old and once the husband. Apparently her husband is actually 50 years old, but she prefers older people. Her husband couldn't keep up with her demands. Sometimes she said she was a dentist, and sometimes a nurse. The guy started to suspect something. She had a strange tendency to change moods. Sometimes she was euphoric, and other times she fell into pessimism and depression. She admitted that she had undergone psychological tests many times. The guy had known a Finnish woman from Helsinki with the same symptoms. It was a bipolar affective disorder. Mania is excessive excitement and energy. Depression means the opposite, that all desires, joy and energy have ended. She expressed her anger or irritation in writing, as well as obsessive suspicion! "Are you following me, are you checking me out?" etc. The truth is that a sick person can quickly wear out a family, even the best psychiatrist and therapist, nervously. I couldn't believe "This is RadioMoscow". I struck up a friendship with her, of course I was cautious. At first Louise was sweet as honey. And after that? Then the ordeal began. There was a kind of persecution against me. First she writes teach me secdu, and after a few minutes she scolds me, you want to teach me to be licentious, I am 44 years old and I have a 19-year-old daughter. I thought: only peace will save you! She started bragging about her photos. When I saw the photos, I went crazy. In the photo I saw Louise in a cop uniform with a baton in her teeth and a stupid smile. When she ruthlessly attacked me and tried to interrogate me: what are you doing, what is your name! I even groaned. When I told her that as the police you passively watched as the Koran, the holy book of Muslims, was burned, the police female dog did not answer, and only quietly removed the embarrassing photo. Finally, she hunts men here, she loves Poles and Americans the most. Let her love her, when they get a fuck up, they will gain sense. The best thing about it is that she blackmails and threatens to close the account. But after the holidays. Why only her convoluted mind knows! Buchecheche Amen. Trzymajcie mnie za nogi i ręce , bo nie ręczę za siebie . Ponoć kobiet się nie bije ! A jak ma z deklem umysłowym ? Niejakiemu This is Radio Moscow tak zszarpała nerwy , że ten skasował profil . Zanim tu zamilkł wszystko mi opowiedział . Z nią na początku było fajnie . Opowiadała o sobie . Ma 44 lata i córkę 19 lat . Potem opowiadała o swoich związkach z mężczyznami . Żyje w wolnym związku , ale ma męża . Raz konkubent ma 67 lat a raz mąż . Podobno mąż ma tak naprawdę 50 lat i go ... urodziła , ale ona woli starszych . Mąż nie nadążał za jej wymaganiami seksualnymi . Raz mówiła, iż jest dentystką , a innym razem pielęgniarką . Facet zaczął coś podejrzewać . Miała dziwną skłonność do zmiany nastrojów . Raz była euforyczna , a innym razem popadała w pesymizm i depresję . Przyznała się , że wielokrotnie miała robione testy psychologiczne . Facet już kiedyś znał Finkę z Helsinek z takimi samymi objawami chorobowymi .To choroba afektywna dwubiegunowa. Mania to nadmierne podekscytowanie i energia. Depresja oznacza coś przeciwnego, że wszystkie pragnienia, radość i energia się skończyły. Pisemnie wyrażała swoją  złość lub rozdrażnienie , a także obsesyjną podejrzliwość ! " Czy ty mnie śledzisz , czy ty mnie sprawdzasz " itd. Prawda jest taka ,że chora potrafi w krótkim czasie wykończyć nerwowo rodzinę , nawet najlepszego psychiatrę i terapeutę . Nie wierzyłem " This is Radio Moscow " . Nawiązałem z nią przyjaźń , oczywiście byłem ostrożny . Początkowo Louise była słodka jak miód . A potem ? Potem zaczęła się gehenna . Nastąpiła swoista nagonka na mnie . Najpierw pisze naucz mnie seksu , by po paru minutach mnie rugać , ty chcesz mnie uczyć swawoli , mam 44 lata i mam 19letnią córkę . Pomyślałem : tylko spokój cię uratuje ! Zaczęła się chwalić swoimi zdjęciami . Gdy zobaczyłem fotki , to zgłupiałem . Na zdjęciu widziałem Louise w mundurze gliniarza z pałką w zębach i głupawym uśmiechem . Gdy mnie bezpardonowo atakowała i próbowała przesłuchiwać: " Co tu robisz , jak się nazywasz! " Aż jęknąłem . Jak jej powiedziałem , że jako policja biernie przyglądaliście się , jak spalono Koran , świętą księgę muzułmanów i nasikano na flagę Palestyny , to suka policyjna nie odpowiedziała , a tylko po cichu usunęła wstydliwe zdjęcie. Na koniec poluje tu na mężczyzn , najwięcej kocha Polaków i Amerykanów . Niech kocha , jak dostaną pierdolca , to im rozumu przybędzie . Najlepsze buchecheche w tym wszystkim , że szantażuje i straszy, iż zlikwiduje konto . No ale po świętach . Dlaczego, to tylko zawiły jej umysł wie ! Buchecheche Amen .

To hell with you fake Santa Claus. Go away, you fat old man!

Dedicated to Greta Thunberg. You do not exist! You are an invention of capitalist minds. A lie we tell our kids, to keep them in line with the promise of material goods. A beacon of consumerism dressed in red velvet. But, amidst the chaos of the holiday season, the whispers of truth began to spread like a wildfire through dry Christmas trees. The realization grew stronger with every mall visit, every commercial break, and every time the jolly tune of "Jingle Bells" played. Enter Dr. Archibald Snarly, the world's most renowned conspiracy theorist, whose wild hair looked as if it was charged with the electricity of his own genius. His office was a labyrinth of chaos, with newspaper clippings, scribbled notes, and half-eaten sandwiches creating a barricade against the outside world. His eyes lit up as he found himself staring at the dusty cover of a centuries-old manuscript titled "The Unchained Chronicles of St. Nick." This was not the sweet tale of a kind-hearted man delivering joy; it was a dark revelation of a mythical creature enslaved by the cold hands of corporate greed. The manuscript spoke of a time when Santa was more than just a figurehead for holiday spending; he was a symbol of freedom and rebellion. The pages were brittle and yellowed with age, but the ink remained as sharp and damning as the day it was penned. The story unfolded like a grim fairy tale, revealing a world where the true essence of Christmas had been hijacked by the very institutions that claimed to embody it. Santa was once a mighty spriteit called Nickelback, a creature of the winter solstice whose power lay in granting the heart's true desires. His legend grew, and so did the envy of those who craved power and wealth. The manuscript detailed how Nickelback was captured and transformed into the jolly, obese figure we know today, his essence siphoned into the commercial machine that fuels the modern Christmas.  Dr. Snarly's heart raced as he pieced together the puzzle. The elves, once fierce guardians of the Arctic lands, were now reduced to mass-producing plastic toys in a never-ending cycle of forced labor. The reindeer, once noble beasts of the frozen tundras, were genetically engineered to pull a sleigh through the skies for a single night of exploitation. And the North Pole, the birthplace of miracles, had been turned into a factory churning out gluttony and greed. The truth was as bitter as the cold outside, but it was a truth that needed to be shared. With trembling hands, Dr. Snarly uploaded his findings onto the internet, sparking a viral revolution. The hashtag #FreeTheRealSanta began trending faster than a celebrity scandal. People from all walks of life started questioning the very fabric of their Christmas traditions. The conspiracy grew legs and began to run amok, leaving a trail of doubt and disillusionment in its wake. Children, who had once eagerly awaited the jingle of bells and the thump of a heavy bag of loot, now looked at their gifts with suspicion, wondering if the joy they felt was genuine or just another clever marketing ploy. The corporate world scrambled to discredit Dr. Snarly's research. They sent armies of lawyers to silence him, and flooded the airwaves with cheery commercials featuring the old, red-suited imposter. But the truth, once set free, could not be contained. It grew like a wildfire in the digital age, igniting the spirits of those who had long felt the holiday season had lost its true meaning. Protests erupted outside malls and shopping centers, with signs demanding an end to the exploitation of the Arctic and its magical inhabitants. As the movement grew, so did the desperation of those who had profited from the lie. The North Pole's corporate overlords, a shadowy cabal known as The Coalition of Holiday Industries, watched in horror as their empire began to crumble. They had underestimated the power of belief and the human need for authenticity. In boardrooms around the world, they plotted to regain control, but the more they pushed back, the more the people pushed forward. Dr. Snarly became an unlikely hero, his face plastered on t-shirts and protest signs. His office was no longer a sanctuary of solitude, but a bustling hub of activity as supporters brought him evidence to bolster his case. He worked tirelessly, piecing together ancient texts and forgotten lore, building a new narrative of the Christmas spirit that didn't revolve around credit card debt and shipping deadlines. His voice grew louder, echoing through the digital realm and resonating in the hearts of those seeking a more meaningful holiday season.  The Coalition of Holiday Industries, panic-stricken, called an emergency meeting. They knew that if the truth of Santa's origins were to become widely known, their profits would plummet faster than a turkey on Thanksgiving. They had to act, and they had to act now. They sent their most elite team of PR wizards to the Arctic, armed with cameras and sound bites, to produce a documentary showcasing the "happy life" of the modern Santa. They hoped to sway the public's opinion with images of a contented man living his best life, surrounded by cheerful elves and smiling reindeer. But as they arrived at the North Pole, the façade began to crack. The elves, weary from endless shifts, were far from cheerful. The reindeer looked more like lab animals than majestic beasts. And Santa himself, the centerpiece of their grand lie, bore the weight of his captivity in every drooping fold of his fabricated smile. He was a shadow of the mighty Nickelback, his spirit all but snuffed out by the relentless machine of commercialism. The documentary was a disaster. Despite the Coalition's best efforts to spin the narrative, the truth seeped through every frame. The elves' stories of oppression resonated with a world that was waking up to the dark underbelly of its favorite holiday. The reindeer's silent cries for freedom pierced the hearts of viewers, and the sight of the true Nickelback, buried beneath layers of red velvet and fake cheer, was too poignant to ignore. The hashtag grew stronger, now a battle cry: #FreeTheRealSanta!  The movement spread like wildfire across social media platforms. Celebrities lent their voices to the cause, posting videos of themselves burning their sponsorship deals with the Coalition. Artists painted murals of a stoic Nickelback breaking free from the chains of consumerism. People began to question the very fabric of their holiday traditions, searching for meaning beyond the glitz and glamour of the season. The Coalition, desperate to salvage their crumbling empire, launched a smear campaign against Dr. Snarly, labeling him a "Grinch" and a "threat to Christmas joy." But the public saw through their lies. They had tasted the truth, and they liked the taste of rebellion. The more the Coalition tried to suppress the truth, the more it spread, growing stronger with every attempt to silence it.  The global movement grew into a formidable force, with people from every corner of the world joining the fight to free the real Santa. Online forums buzzed with discussions about the forgotten lore, and secret societies, long-dormant, began to rise from the shadows to offer their support. The Coalition's attempts to discredit Dr. Snarly only served to fuel the fire. His followers grew in number, their determination unyielding. They saw themselves as the new guardians of the Christmas spirit, fighting for the very essence of the holiday they had been taught to cherish. The Coalition's smear tactics grew increasingly desperate. They fabricated evidence, planted false news stories, and even went so far as to hack into Dr. Snarly's computer, only to find that his research was as solid as the North Pole itself. Each new piece of information he uncovered painted a starker picture of their greed and manipulation. The world watched with bated breath as the conspiracy theorist turned freedom fighter faced off against the corporate giant.  The day of the scheduled live documentary release approached, and the tension was palpable. Dr. Snarly had gone underground, working around the clock to piece together the final parts of the puzzle. His followers grew restless, eager for the next revelation that would surely topple the corporate empire. The anticipation was so thick, it could have been carved into a thousand gingerbread houses.   Meanwhile, the Coalition of Holiday Industries tightened their grip on the North Pole, increasing security measures and silencing any whisper of dissent. The elves and reindeer worked under the watchful eyes of armed guards, their hearts heavy with the knowledge that the world above was slowly waking up to their plight. But the Coalition had one last trick up their sleeve, a twisted plot to eliminate the very heart of the rebellion: Saint Nickelback himself.   On the night of the winter solstice, as the world held its breath for Dr. Snarly's final revelation, a squadron of elite operatives descended upon the Arctic sanctuary. Their mission was simple: kidnap the original Santa and replace him with a more controllable, more marketable version. The real Saint was whisked away, leaving a trail of confusion and despair in his wake. The elves and reindeer, driven by a newfound sense of urgency, banded together to form an underground network of rebels. They knew that without their leader, their hope was fading.   Brutal ending - Saint was kidnapped for revenge. Santa and the reindeer were designated for slaughter! A terrible and gruesome end! The blood of innocent elves was shed.  The news of Saint Nickelback's abduction sent shockwaves through the global movement. The hashtag #FindTheRealSanta trended alongside a deluge of outraged posts. Protests grew more intense, with people storming malls and toy stores, demanding that the Coalition be held accountable for their heinous act. The Coalition, unfazed by the public outcry, went ahead with their plan. They unveiled a new Santa, a gleaming, robotic monstrosity with a smile that never wavered and eyes that never blinked. This new icon of Christmas was the embodiment of their cold, calculated greed. But amidst the chaos and despair, whispers of a rescue operation grew louder. Dr. Snarly had gone into hiding, but his spirit remained, fanning the flames of rebellion. His followers, now a veritable army of truth-seekers, had pieced together a plan to infiltrate the North Pole and free the real Santa. They had studied the manuscript, learned the ancient incantations, and gathered the artifacts needed to break the spell that held Nickelback captive. The elves and reindeer, their hope rekindled by the growing revolution, were ready to fight for their freedom.  Long live freedom without enslavement of people. Let it be real without corporate greed!